Friday, April 22, 2016

Walk in Faith

We have learned that we need to grown in faith by reading the Word of God and putting what we learn into action.  If  you continue to read the Word and grow in faith you are now considered to be waking in faith.

1 Kings 9:4
As for you, if you walk before me faithfully with integrity of heart and uprightness, as David your father did, and do all I command and observe my decree's and law.

Walking in faith is completely trusting the Lord that He will take care of you and all that surrounds you, the good, bad and the ugly.

Walking in faith is a daily chose.  I can tell you that over the years my faith has grown because I have seen the Lord's mighty hand in my life.  That has made me grow in faith.  I would like to give you an example.  To start I gave my life to the Lord when I was 18 years old and started my walk in the Lord at that time.  When I was in my early 20's doctors told me that I had a brain tumor, they told me that I probably had a few months to live.  They were completely convinced that I had a brain tumor. Needless to say I fell on my knees and prayed to the Lord and asked him to heal my body and to do a great miracle in me. When they sent me to get a detailed brain scan, the most amazing thing had happened, there was no brain tumor.  The doctors could not understand how that could be when all arrows where pointing to brain tumor.  As I look back and remember the stumped look on the doctors face I can recall telling them that the Lord healed me and started praising him right in the room in front of the doctors.  I can tell you when you have doctors telling you that your time is up and should settle your affairs and we give you maybe 3 months to live a lot of things go through your mind, but I knew I would not go unless it was His will.  That moment boosted my faith so greatly and I have many, many more amazing things the Lord has done in my life that I could share that has made me who I am in the Lord today and has made my faith and trust in Him so great.

Can you recall a time in your life that you know the Lord heard your prayer, or rescued you from some great disaster, or just showed you how much you are loved by Him.  These great moments and even little moments are the building blocks of your faith.  Take a moment to look back on your life and remember the moments where you know the Lord had a divine appointment with you.  Let that make your faith soar in Him.

God Bless

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