Monday, April 25, 2016

Prayer of Jabez part 2

I hope you are having a blessed and wonderful day.

We previously discussed in the last teaching about the Prayer of Jabez.   I just spoke on the basic knowledge of  Jabez.  We learned that he was a mighty man of faith.  We learned that he had enough to know that the God of his forefathers who was faithful, and he would  be just as faithful to him.  Again his faith gave him the strength to pray this prayer.

Today I would like to discuss the structure of the prayer he prayed.

1 Chronicles 4:10

Jabez cried out to the God of Israel, "Oh that you would bless me and enlarge my territory!  Let your hand be with me, and keep me from harm so that I will be free from pain."  And God granted his request.

So let us analyze this prayer that Jabez prayed.   This prayer is broken into 5 parts.  I want to go over each part so you can get a greater understanding of this small but mighty prayer

Part 1

Oh, that you would bless me indeed
Jabez asked the Lord to bless him.  He was asking the Lord to bless him greatly.  To bless his health, finances, job, family, all that Jabez had in his life he was asking the Lord to bless it completely. 

Part 2

Enlarge my territory
Jabez was asking that God would enlarge his territory by enlarging his influence and opportunities.  We think he just meant the space he dwelled in but that is not true.  I believe Jabez was asking the Lord to give him great paths to walk in the Lord. He could have been requesting more wisdom, understanding, patience, love or joy.  Maybe he was asking the Lord give him a great territory to reach people for His name.

Part 3

Oh that you would be with me
Jabez asked the Lord's hand to be with him, to lead him, protect him, and strengthen him.  His prayer was requesting a lot and he wanted to make sure that if the Lord granted it he wanted to be sure the Lord would be with him through it all.

Part 4

Keep me from harm so that I will be free from pain
Jabez  prayed that in receiving God's blessing that he would not fall into any temptation and that no evil person could harm him.   He did not want to be lead down the wrong path.

Part 5

God granted his request.
God granted what he had requested.  Jabez was not a great man in the bible, he did not have a major role in the bible.  But he was great in the Lord's eye and the Lord loved him and rewarded his great prayer of faith.

Jabez prayed for four things.  Some people won't even ask God for one thing even though they may have many needs. Jabez prayed for four things and the Lord granted all four.

I am using Jabez as someone you can refer too when you are in need and need to pray.  Have faith that God hears you.

Faith is believing wholeheartedly with confidence of the existence of God and His ability to hear and answer your prayers.  Faith says without any visible proof you still have confidence in the one who created you.
Stir up your faith and know  He is with you.

God bless

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