Friday, May 6, 2016

Faith Walking part 2

Faith Walking

In our previous blog we discussed take each day as an opportunity to walk with the Lord.  We discussed how to have a life of Faith Walking with the Lord.  God is looking for someone to be a faith walking partner. God longs to walk with you, which is why his arms of grace have been pulling you into a closer walk with him.

Faith Walking is making a daily chose to spend time with the Lord.  There are three things you can do on a daily basis to spend time in the Lord.  We discussed in our last blog how to spend time in prayer, taking time on your way to work to spend time in prayer.  Today I am going to talk about the second one, spending time with the Lord in Worship.

How many of us listen to music on the way to work and back home.  How about when you are in your house cleaning or just enjoying some music.  I can tell you those are prime times to take time and spend it with the Lord.  I do like to take time on the way home from work and spend time in worship.  After a busy day at work I want to spend time in worship for three reasons.  If you had a bad day, you can go into the throne room of God and ask for refreshing, or you can just come and be loved on by the one who loves you with all His being. I also find that if I am feeling down praising the Lord brings joy into my life. 

What you need to know is that our Father is so faithful to us and knows are needs before we even utter the words.  He longs and waits for us to come to him, and give Him our burdens.  There are days that I go home and put some Christian music on an just take time and worship and love on the Lord. 

There are times when I am cleaning my house and I have some Christian music on that I will shout and praise the Lord. 

You can find those times in your day to give to the Lord.  You know your own schedule and where you may have free time; use that time to spend it with the Lord.  I know you will be truly blessed by it.


May God bless you this day.

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