Friday, May 13, 2016

Faith Walking part 4

Faith Walking

 Why do we need to walk in faith, there is only one reason to go on the journey of faith walking. It is because God calls us. We may not now where our journey will take us, we don't know what this walk will contain. But I do know is that we all have a longing to walk faithfully in the Lord and to do the will of the Father and to do what we were created to do, even though we do not know our destination. Because we don't know our destination this is where our faith must come in to reassure us that God has a plan even though He may not always clue us in on it, we must completely trust him. The only thing we do know is that God calls us to make this journey, and therefore, we have to trust, submit, and have faith. We just have to walk even though we don't know where we're going. You have to start walking before you know where you're going.  Take a leap of faith and start the Journey the Lord

We previously had a discussion on taking each day as an opportunity to walk with the Lord.  We discussed how to have a life of Faith Walking with the Lord.  God is looking for someone to be a faith walking partner. God longs to walk with you, which is why his arms of grace have been pulling you into a closer walk with him.

Faith Walking is making a daily chose to spend time with the Lord.  There are three things you can do on a daily basis to spend time in the Lord.  We discussed spending time in prayer with the Lord, spending time in worship with the Lord and lastly we discussed spending time in the Word.

What you need to know is that our Father is so faithful to us and knows are needs before we even utter the words.  He longs and waits for us to come to him, and give Him our burdens. 

If you had a bad day, you can go into the throne room of God and ask for refreshing, or you can just come and be loved on by the one who loves you with all His being. Spending time with the Lord each day will grow your faith and will greatly build your relationship and strengthen it with the lord

Look at the journey you are on, and ask yourself are you allowing God to be your compass.  If not then have faith and trust He knows exactly where He wants you and needs you.

Take each day as a step in walking faithfully before the Lord.

God bless you and your faith walk with the Lord. 

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