Saturday, June 4, 2016

Strength Comes From the Lord

Strength Comes From the Lord

Have you every been so beaten down by life and trials that you feel you don't have any strength to keep your head up?  Have you felt overwhelmed by life situations that you consider yourself weak and you think you can never get enough strength to get through this?
I can tell you that in my life I have had situations and health issues in my life that I was thinking how can I ever get through this.  I will give you an example. I have heart issues I have had 2 heart attacks and 14 surgeries to clean out my arteries in my heart and I have six stints in my heart. 

I remember one time I was in the operating room and I started to get really nervous and scared and I have had several of these surgeries already so they were common in my life.  But for what ever reason this one time I was really nervous and scared.
The surgical assistant Tom who knew me because of my several trips to the operating room.  He took my blood pressure and it was very high and he said we can't operate on you until you calm down and relax and bring your blood pressure down.  So I was at the point where I was sick of having heart issues, sick of being in the hospital and I was depressed and I have no strength to get through this.  How can I relax and bring my blood pressure down.  Well I told Tom give me five minutes, he asked me what are you going to do?  I told him the only thing I can do pray.  He laughed and said ok.  I started to pray and ask the Lord I can't get through this unless you help me.  I have no strength and courage to grab onto in my own strength.  Can you please help me I need you, I need your strength. 

As I was praying Tom started laughing and asked a few of the assistants to come and see. As I was praying I didn't realize my blood pressure  was slowly coming down.  They were kind of amazed.  Finally my blood pressure was down even to do the surgery.  That was one of the surgeries that I was freaking out and very scared.  After the surgery the assistant came to check on me with one of the other assistants named Bernadette they came to see me and they told me during the whole surgery I was calling out saying Jesus, Jesus help me.  So even though I was sedated my spirit was still calling on the Lord knowing how scared I was.
I am giving this example to let you know that the Lord is our strength and He will help you through the hardest times in your life but also just every day trials.
So you can believe exactly what I am saying is true.  Below are some great scriptures telling us how awesome the Lord is and how He gives us great strength.
Psalms 121:2
My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth!
Isaiah 40:31
I shall renew my strength.  I shall receive God's strength as I wait upon him.  I shall mount up with wings like eagles.  I shall run and not be weary.  I shall walk and not faint.  All this shall happen to me because I wait on the Lord.
Psalms 46:1
God is my refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.
1 Samuel 30:6
I strengthen myself in the Lord my God.
Psalms 28:7-8
The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, He helps me.  My  heart leaps for joy and with song I praise Him.  The Lord is the strength of His people a fortress of salvation for His anointed one.

Psalms 73:26
God is my strength of my  heart and my portion forever
Psalms 29:11
The Lord will give strength to His people; the Lord will bless His people with peace

We all have times when it seems that satan is getting the best of us.  Sometimes its a little hard to have faith and trust in God when everything is going against us and we are in the middle of a great battle of your life.  It is in those times that we need the Lord more than ever.  It is in those times that our faith in God is really put to the test. 

It is easy to live for God and trust him when all is going well.  It is not easy to do when the weight of the world is upon your shoulders. 

If your life is in the middle of turmoil and trials and they are about to overwhelm you, look up and ask the Lord to renew your strength and make you strong in him. 

May God bless you richly and give you mighty strength and faith to walk greatly through life.



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