Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Stronger Then You Think

Stronger Then You Think
I was having several rough months due to health issues and other situations coming at me.   I have felt that I was in constant attack and wondering what the heck is going on here.  It was like every few weeks another shoe would drop and I couldn't figure out why.  It felt like wolves were trying to knock me down and keep me in a state of sickness as well as having to continue to defend my Christianity.  As well as being attacked for just being.  Last night I read in my journal and found some notes from  a few years ago that just reminded me how good God is.  This is what it said.:
"Last Saturday a very close friend of mine and my mentor told me "Your STRONGER then you think". At first I was like ok cool. I came into work on monday and a bomb had blown up and I was being attacked verbally by someone. I could not believe it. I allowed it to get the best of me. I called my friend/mentor and she said, hey remember what I said, there was a reason why I said it. You are stronger than you think! Well it took 2 days for me to get a grip and realize attacks will come when you are a christian for no reason at all, but thank goodness we are stronger than we think because when our strength runs out God's just gets started. THANK GOODNESS I am wounded but not cut. I survived it and can know move on. But I did learn that some times things come out from left field when you are not even looking and they throw you for a loop, but thank the Lord he gives us a moment to say "Hey wait a minute, you can handle this now buck up" Thanks for your patience my love I love you your daughter ."
So knowing that I have had several hard months and on SaturdayI spoke to this same Friend /Mentor and she encouraged me and again reminded me that He loves us and now matter we need to keep pressing forward and do what we are called to do.  I am paraphrasing of course.  It really made me think and say OK enough is enough.  I will not let anything distract me from the one thing I want more than anything.  I WANT GOD and to do what I was created to do.  I spoke to this person again Saturday evening and it was like we were both feeling the same thing.  Do what you know to do, put your hand to what you know you can do and who you know you are.  So I spent Sunday after church the whole day in the Lord praying and the world may fall apart but one thing I am sure about who I am in the Lord is that He has made me an intercessor it is a gift from the Lord and it is who I am.  So I prayed Lord that is where I will start pressing in no matter how I feel or what is going on I will press into that.  She also said What were you doing before you all this stuff started happening before this stuff took you off course.  When she said that I knew exactly what I was doing I was praying for friends and people on facebook who asked me to pray for them.  The result of pressing in to the Lord and the gift the Lord has given me.  The next day a woman I prayed for 6 months ago from China messaged me and asked me to pray for her again.  How cool is that and then a new friend I just met texted me and asked me to pray for her as well. 
I chose to press in and focus on what I know about me and God and He is now bringing the people to me that need prayer.  We just need to make a conscious decision to put your hand to something and He will always meet you. We never have to do it alone ever.

Don't get me wrong that stuff is still there, I still having health issues and still have to defend my love for the Lord and some other issues going on but I am making a conscious decision to not let it over take me or stop me or push me down.  Because is that not what the enemy wants.
Hope this encourages you as it has encouraged me.  Remember 
God Bless
K. Barry 

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