Monday, February 8, 2016

Storms of Life

Storms of Life
This past week was one heck of a week.  I ended up going through so much in just 5 days.  I could not tell you how many things came my way last week that could of just totally made my life so very hard well it did make it hard beyond belief hard LOL.
The first thing was my health I ended up spending several days in the hospital, unable to sleep and feeling very overwhelmed and could not figure out why the last several months have been so hard.  All I can do is walk through it and hope that the Lord will take care of it.  Then on the way home from the hospital I got into a car accident.  Can you believe it who gets into a car accident after just being in the hospital. LOL.  I sat there in my car with the policeman doing his thing and wondering OK what the heck is going on.  I even said to the Lord I know you don't give us any more than we can handle.  I also know that you are my sustainer and we have a convenient together and I also have a clause in my contract between me and the Lord.  So sitting there I was like OK what the heck is happening here.  After getting home from all that and in my room now resting mu sister called me and said the Lord must be trying to teach you something that you need to learn or the enemy is not happy with all the praying you have been doing.  I thought about it and said what do I need to learn and I need to start praying more LOL.   The next day another shoe dropped financially this one bill came in that I did not have the funding for but I went to the bank and I needed a good amount of money to take care of this bill.  Money that I know I do not have in my bank I haven't had that money in my account life ever LOL .  I go to the bank get a balance and stood there in front of the bank teller looked down and spoke to the Lord in my mind and said OK God are you trying to do something here.  So I looked at the balance again and it was enough money to pay this very expensive bill with $23 left over.  OK I can not tell you when I got to the car I was praising my head off.  Screaming you are so good you are so good.  This one thought came to me.  Why do I forget how much you love me, why do I forget that you are always with me and will supply all my need.  Why do I forget that you will be with me and even move mountains to make it happen.  That you will never let something to overtake me and bring me to become desolate.
I just want to encourage you that I was in deep water last week and as of Friday I am so thankful that even though the days were hard I was not alone because He always has my back and He will always have yours.  I know there is more I have learned from last week but this is just a nugget I wanted to sent out to you today.  Remember He is the miracle worker in your life. 


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