Sunday, November 13, 2016

Who is God?

Who is God?

Have you ever asked yourself who is God?  What can He do for me?  I would like to talk to you today about God and who He is and what He can do for you.  I have had a relationship with the Lord for many many years and I can tell you from first hand the Lord has been many things for me at different times in my life.  I want to share some of my experiences with the Lord.  Also what He has done for me in my life.

I would like to share with you about my life.  My life started in May 11, 1967.  I was born with a disease called Hypopituitary dwarfism.  At 6 months old I stop growing and developing.  My parents took me to the doctors and they did not know what it was that was causing it.  After many years in and out of the hospital they figured it out.  It was Hypopituitary dwarfism.  Which meant I would not grow at all.  I would never be able to have children because I would not produce the hormones needed.  I would probably have a learning disability.  I would have a very low immune system and several other issues.  At the time I was diagnosed this was a new disease that had come out and scientists and doctors where already looking for a cure.  I remember that I was 3 feet for a very long time.  I was told I probably would be a dwarf for the rest of my life.  It was a bleak future that I was looking at through my eyes.   I can tell you it could have turned out really bad but the Lord was with me at all times.  I started on growth hormone shots to help me grown and other medication to help my body where my body was not naturally producing.  I have to say it is by the grace of God that brought me through all of this.

At the age of 18 I was going through a very hard time in my life emotionally.  I remember that summer my cousin came over and talked to me about the Lord and he asked me if I asked Jesus into my heart.  He asked me if I wanted to a true relationship with the Lord and that He can help you so much in your life.  That night I asked the Lord to forgive me of all my sins and I asked the Lord to come into my heart.  That moment changed my life forever it truly turned my life completely around.

Now I know if it was not for the Lord being with me as a child my life could have took a drastic turn for the worse.  But He had plans for me and loved me from the moment He formed me.

I want you to know the Lord that rescued me can rescue you.

Another time in my life when I was 21 years old.  I went to the doctors and they could not understand knowing my history of Hypopituitary dwarfism they could not understand how I could function with the disease I had.  They could not figure it out. so they where so confound with it they decided to do a Brain Scan.  They believed the reason I was functioning was because I had a massive brain tumor. Before they even did the Brain Scan they were telling me I probably had weeks to live because it must have grown so much in my brain.  So I went home and told my family that I might have weeks to live.  Both I and my family where very upset.  All I remember is praying to the Lord and asking Him to save me from death.  The Lord blessed me beyond measure that I did not have a brain tumor. The Lord healed it and made it disappear.

I am sharing with you what my Father has done for me and how he has showered me with loving mercy and grace.  He has always been my healer, tower of strength and refuge and my best and trusted friend.

I want you to know that what the Lord has done for me He can do for you.  I can tell you I have many more stories like this in my life time and He as always brought me through.

So who is God?   Think about it.  Who is God to you.  I know who He is to me but who is He to you? If you can think back in your life when things where not going so well can you see someone was there with you helping you through.

Even right now if you are going through something that is more than you can handle I can tell you there is someone who can help you with it.

If you need a savior, a healer, a confidant, a hero, a strong tower a great refuge in the time of need.

If you have not asked Jesus into your life I would like to help you.

Here is a simple pray for you to pray.

Dear Lord,
I ask you to forgive me of all my sins, I ask that you purify my heart and come into my life and be my Savior and King.  Guide my life and be in my heart.  Show me your ways.

In Jesus name.

If you have prayed this prayer I would like to help you in any way I can please contact me by

God bless you all.

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