Monday, October 29, 2018

Faith Walking

Faith Walking

Today I wanted to discuss how to have a life of Faith Walking with the Lord.  To take each day as an opportunity to walk with the Lord. God is looking for someone to be a faith walking partner. God longs to walk with you, which is why his arms of grace have been pulling you into a closer walk with him.
Faith Walking is making a daily chose to spend time with the Lord.  There are three things you can do on a daily basis to spend time in the Lord. Today I am going to talk about the first one.

Spend time praying to the Lord

When you are reading this you are probably thinking when am I going to have time to do this on a daily basis. I can tell you that there are little opportunities that you have to put some time aside for the Lord.  I know we all have really busy lives with husbands, children, family, work and church.  But I can guarantee that there are those little opportunities in your day that can be put aside for the Lord.
I am going to give you an example of how I use my time to spend time praying to the Lord..  This example is what I do on a daily basis to spend time with the Lord in prayer.
We all have to drive to work every day right?.   How about taking some time and praying to the Lord on your way to work.
Every day on my way to work I spend time praying to the Lord.  First thing I do is listen to a worship song and sing to the Lord.  Yes in my car I sing and praise the Lord. Then I start praying to the Lord.  I ask Him to first forgive me of any sin I may have done and to cleanse me from my sin.  I always like to go before the Lord with a clean heart.  The first thing I pray for always is my family.  I spend time on each member of my family, sometimes the Lord will give me a little clue on what I should pray for or sometimes I know what that family member is going through and ask the Lord to help them. I then pray for my pastor and my boss and what ever needs or concerns I have I bring them to Lord.  

It takes me about 40 minutes to get to work every day.  I use my time stuck in my car as an opportunity to spend time with the Lord.  If it only takes you 15 minutes to get to work, then that is 15 minutes you can spend with the Lord. 
Spending time with the Lord each day will grow your faith and will greatly build your relationship and strengthen it with the lord
May God bless you and keep you.  May He shine His great love on you.