Friday, March 17, 2017

Intimacy with God

Intimacy with God

Hello Dear Friends,
I hope this message finds you blessed,

I was going to do a message on prayer, but then I started thinking there is one thing we need before we can really start having deep strong prayer and intercession with the Lord.  This is intimacy with God.  If we do not have intimacy with God then how can we trust Him with our problems and how can we trust and have faith that He will hear our cry and answer them.

If you look deep in your heart and think about it, do you have intimacy with God?  Let me give an example.

You probably have several friends and there are also levels of friendships with in each friend.  So there is the friend that you can talk to about work and very general stuff, and then there is the friend you can talk to about any relationships you have or about your marriage.  Then there is that one friend that you can tell more deep things too that you wouldn't tell the other friends because they just don't have that something this one friend has, its called trust and intimacy.  However even that friend probably doesn't know all your deep secrets, secret dreams and thoughts you keep in your heart.

There is only one person is this whole galaxy that you can tell anything and everything too.  That is Jesus Christ, Father God.

But some may not have that type of relationship with God.  Today I am going to discuss with you about intimacy and how you can have that close, real deep intimacy with God.

Definition of Intimacy 

Intimacy is an interpersonal relationship that involves emotional intimacy.  Intimate relationships play a central role in the overall human experience.  Humans have a general desire to belong and to love.   Intimacy typically develops after certain levels of trust has been reached and personal bonds have been established.

To have intimacy with God you must want Him in your life.  You must want Him with your whole heart.  You must give yourself to the Lord and invite Him into your heart and your life.  If you do not have that kind of relationship with God and you want the Lord to come into your life and heart, I can help you and pray with you right now.

Pray this prayer,

Almighty God, I come before you in the name of Jesus Christ.
Jesus I believe you are the Son of God and the only way to God.  That you died on the cross for my sins and rose again from the dead.  I ask that you forgive me of all my sins.  Jesus I believe you shed your blood on the cross for me so that I may know you better.

Jesus come into my heart and my life.  Heal my body and soul.  Heal my life.  Deliver me and transform my life.  Cleanse me with your holy blood and make me whole.  I thank you that with you in my life that I will know you deeply.  Jesus give me a new mind, a new heart and a new spirit. Transform my life as I surrender to your divine calling.  You are my God, My Savior and My Comforter.  You are now in my heart and God of my life.

In Jesus Mighty Name

Intimacy with God begins when you hunger and pursue Him with your whole heart.

Psalms 27:8

My heart says of you, "Seek My face", your face Lord I will seek".

James  4:8

Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.

We are instructed in Psalms 46:10.   Be still and know that I am God.  

The wording "be still"  means to cease from striving.  It means to let go and relax, to turn down the volume of the world and listen to the quiet whisper of God.  It means soaking in His mighty presence. The result is you will know He is God.

The word  "know" is having the knowledge of God.  Its being still and knowing about God.  It's being still and knowing God intimately.

So the key is focus, where is your focus the world draws us away with many different things in our life.  But if we take the time to become intimate with the Lord.  I know our world will be blessed for it.

To build an intimate relationship with God.  We must spend time with Him.  Just as we want to deepen a relationship with a friend we spend time with them to get to know them.  We must take time alone with God , talking to Him and being quiet to listen to Him speak to you.  You must come with an open heart and wanting more of God and hunger for Him and His presence.

So you are probably wondering how to become intimate with God.  We must be in His presence.  We must soak in His presence daily.  Soak like a sponge and absorb all you can.  If you put a dry sponge in a bucket of water and slowly the water permeates the sponge.  This is the same as soaking in
God's presence.  The more we soak, the more we become filled with His Spirit.

So you are probably wondering what do you do in your time of seeking His presence.

I don't have a set formula but I will tell you what I do to soak in the presence of Father God.

First thing I do is go into a room where I know I will have privacy and will not be disturbed.

I normally will put on some soft worship music and worship and praise the Lord and show Him how much I love Him.  Sometimes I will be on my knees on the floor, sometimes I will sit on the floor sometimes I will be sitting in a chair.  It all depends on how you are feeling towards the Lord.

Most important thing is the attitude of your heart.  Come with a loving and open heart to worship and pray and listen to the Lord.

The second thing I do is always repent and ask the Lord to forgive me for any sin in my life.

After I spend time in worship I will just thank the Lord for all He has done in my life and then I will pray to Him.  Sometimes I will pray the Word of God, sometimes I will pray about things I am worried about, sometimes I just pray for my family and loved ones.

After I have spent time in prayer I will ask the Lord to fill me with His presence and speak to me.  At that time it is all about waiting on the Lord.  Just being in that moment waiting on the Lord.  This does require you to be willing to give up your time and just wait on Him.  It is not something that can be rushed it's all about waiting on Him and in His time.  

I have found that sometimes His presence will come during worship time, sometimes it comes when I am praying but there are those times that the Lord will require you to just "Be Still" and wait.  I guarantee if you are willing to "Be Still" and wait the Lord Jesus will come and  fill you with His presence and love.

When you get quiet that is when you begin to hear His voice.

The key is learning to wait in solitude.  It is important to wait on the Lord until you experience his manifest presence.

If you take time out of your daily life and give that time to the Lord you will know the Lord in an intimate way and each time you bask in His presence He will reveal more and more about Himself so that you can know the Alpha and Omega in a mighty way.

Isaiah 64:4
For from days of old no one has heard, nor has ear perceived, nor has eye seen a God besides you, who works and acts in behalf of the one who gladly waits on Him.

Psalms 25:5
Guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are the God of my salvation; For you and only you I wait expectantly all the day long.

Well to sum this teaching up if you want more of God and you want to know Him and have an intimate relationship with Him, then take time to be with Him and always let Him be your #1 priority in your life.

God bless you all